How to join the register

The RCT is open to all UK-based persons employed, or seeking employment, in a technical role in the field of medical physics, clinical engineering, medical equipment maintenance or medical equipment manufacturing.

The standards for entry to the RCT are contained in the Scope of Practice document which lists the specialised tasks which the technologist must be competent to carry out and in The Degree Programme in Clinical Technology for the indicative knowledge on which these skills are based. Those following the primary route to registration, by completing an approved training course, will be assessed by their institution as meeting these standards. Those following an equivalence route will have an equivalence assessment using the RCT equivalence standards for engineering or physics depending on their area of work and Good Scientific Practice. These standards match those in the Scope of Practice.

If you wish to apply under the Clinical Computing Scope of Practice please contact for further information. 

Application guidelines

Primary route application form

Equivalence route application form

Below is a comprehensive description of how to apply for registration:

Before you start your application ensure that you check the eligibility chart and the education and training information. The entry criteria are strict and are set out clearly in this document.

To apply under the primary criterion you will need to complete the online application form and upload:

  1. A PDF copy of all educational and training certificates (which must be initialled by both proposers). You shouldn’t send certificates relating to short courses lasting one week or less.
  2. A PDF copy of a detailed curriculum vitae which describes your education and work experience. This should list all posts held including dates, job title, grade (if appropriate) and brief details of the duties of each post. It should also include all educational and other achievements and details of any training undertaken.
  3. A PDF copy of an organisation chart highlighting your position in your current post.

*CV and Organisation Chart not required for Sonography applications. 

Equivalence route

For those who have gained experience or qualifications outside of the primary criterion there is still the possibility of entry to the register via the equivalence route. For this you will need to demonstrate, through a portfolio of evidence, that your knowledge and skills are equivalent to the register’s standards. You may be required to attend a professional review before your eligibility can be confirmed. Details of the equivalence route are available on the website for both engineering and physics. Please note that portfolios may be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin.

When applying to the RCT you must demonstrate evidence of English language proficiency. The ability to communicate effectively in English is crucial to working in the UK. This applies to all applicants who trained overseas and are not from a country recognised as one with a majority English speaking population by the United Kingdom Home Office.  The requirement applies even if overseas awards obtained were taught in English. Please note that UK NARIC is not an acceptable method for evidencing English Language proficiency for entry onto the register.

Only the following tests can be accepted:

i) International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
We will accept an IELTS academic or general examination certificate that confirms you achieved:
• an overall score of at least 7
• no element of reading, speaking, listening or writing below 6.5

Combining IELTS test scores
You can achieve the required mark across two test sittings if :
• you sit the tests within six months of each other
• you’re tested in all four sections at the same time
• the overall score is at least 7 on the second certificate
• all scores on both sittings are above 6.0
• a minimum of 6.5 is obtained in all four categories across the two tests and that a score of at least 6.5 is obtained in the writing section of the second certificate. Scores of 6.0 across the two tests are allowed provided all other criteria are met.

ii) Occupational English Test (OET)
We will accept an OET examination certificate that confirms you achieved:
• at least a grade B in the writing section (NMC C+)
• only one score lower than B in the other three sections this no lower than C+
Combining OET test scores
You can achieve the required mark across two test sittings if:
• you sit the tests within six months of each other
• you’re tested in all four sections at the same time
• all grades in both sittings are above grade C+, and
• you achieve at least a grade B in all four sections in either of the two test sittings.

For more information please view Examples of combining OET scores

Submitting your evidence
If you’re submitting an OET certificate as part of your application, you’ll need to give us permission to verify your results through your myOET account. The RCT has verification access and will is listed on the OET website as an organisation accepting OET.
Find out how to give a verification institution access to your results on the OET website.


Once your application is received, we will set up your direct debit in respect of the application fee. If you choose not to pay your application fee via direct debit.. Please ensure that you tick the relevant box/es on the direct debit application form to avoid delays. All renewals must be paid by direct debit. 

We must have all of the above documentation in order to process your application.

Please ensure that you read the guidelines prior to completing your application.

Guidance Notes

Re-Admission to the register

In cases where a re-application is required (if you have previously been on the register and your registration has lapsed or been cancelled), you must complete the Application for Re-Admission Form and submit this electronically with all required accompanying documentation (as advised above), ensuring that you apply under the current criteriaA full application is required, the same as that of a first time applicant. If you are re-applying via the Equivalence route this entails submitting additional documentation, including a portfolio. Please see the Equivalence Route pages for further information:

Equivalence route – for those working in Engineering

Equivalence route – for those working in Physics

Application process

Once your application is received it will be sent for assessment by one of our panel of experienced assessors (two assessors for Equivalence applications). On completion of this process we will write to you with the outcome. If your application is successful you will be sent a one off certificate which you should keep as this is not replaced annually. Your name will also be added to the online register. Registration is renewable annually.


If you wish to appeal against a decision made by the RCT in relation to an application, you should write to the registrar at the address below (telephone calls are not acceptable).  This should be done within thirty days of the disputed decision.  You should explain, in detail, the reasons for your appeal.  Please note that only candidates can appeal against a decision made by the RCT.  No one can appeal on your behalf. We will endeavor to deal with your appeal within a period of thirty days from receipt.

The Registrar
The Register of Clinical Technologists
Fairmount House
230 Tadcaster Road
YO24 1ES