Equivalence for engineering

The Register of Clinical Technologists (RCT) equivalence route is designed to enable technologists to achieve registration by demonstrating that their levels of knowledge and skills are at least equivalent to those offered by the relevant Scope of Practice and the RCT equivalence standards. For further details please see The Equivalence Route to the RCT  and see the Equivalence FAQ’s.

The evidence standards – engineering

These standards have been developed to support the route to equivalence. They reflect the standards that have been applied throughout the life of the register and have been derived from competences contained within the approved training route criterion. Using the engineering standards in conjunction with the existing Scopes of Practice provides a mechanism to facilitate rigorous assessments. The RCT management board are able to quality assure technologists via this route and determine the depth and breadth of their knowledge and skills. Only when successfully evidencing these standards through a portfolio can the RCT management board be satisfied that technologists are able to carry out their role safely and effectively.

The RCT Evidence Standards – Engineering

The RCT equivalence standards – engineering – portfolio guidance notes

The candidate will be expected to produce a supporting portfolio of evidence, containing a report detailing their role and responsibilities, to accompany their application form and other required documentation, to enable RCT assessors to make a judgement that equivalence is demonstrated. The portfolio must be one complete document (not multiple separate files), with an index and page numbers. Please submit all documentation in PDF form in two separate files – application form, CV, organisation chart, job description (if applicable) and educational certificates in one file, portfolio in a separate file). 

Applications must be submitted electronically (if you are sending your application via email, please ensure that your file is smaller than 36mb, otherwise your email will not get through our security filters). Please refer to the Guidance Notes for further information. Paper applications cannot be accepted.

To assist you in completing your portfolio we are able to provide you with:

RCT Equivalence Standards – Engineering – Portfolio Guidance Notes

A sample report

The RCT equivalence route – engineering – evidence matrixRCT - Evidence matrix

It is expected that matrices will be included showing whereabouts in the portfolio each ‘evidence criterion’ and ‘scope of practice’ is covered.  The entirety of the portfolio should demonstrate that the candidate is capable of a piece of work that is accepted degree standard. Where there are areas which the candidate does not cover in their normal day to day work, there should be a written submission demonstrating their knowledge of that area.  Please complete the matrix as part of your application.

The RCT Evidence Criteria Matrix – Engineering

Application process

Applicants should familiarise themselves with the following:

Scope of Practice

The RCT Evidence Standards – Engineering

Good Scientific Practice

The RCT Evidence Criteria Matrix – Engineering

Guidance Notes

RCT Equivalence Route Application Form

Applicants must prepare a portfolio to provide evidence that they can meet the equivalence requirements and forward this with the relevant evidence matrix; together with the application form, CV, organisation chart, educational and training certificates, plus current job description. All accompanying documentation, barring the portfolio (i.e. organisation chart, educational and training certificates and job description) must be initialled by both Proposers on each sheet submitted. Unfortunately portfolios cannot be returned. Applications must be submitted with a completed direct debit mandate.

Please refer to the Guidance Notes for full details of the documentation required in order to submit an application.


The assessment will be carried out by two assessors. If the assessors are satisfied that equivalence has been demonstrated you will be advised in writing and formally added to the register.   If the assessors are not satisfied with the submission they may:

a) offer comments on where there are weaknesses to be addressed; or
b) advise that equivalence has not been demonstrated and a formal training programme should be undertaken; or
c) invite the applicant for professional review.


Further information 

Read more about the Equivalence Routes in an article from the IPEM SCOPE magazine. This article gives further details of the requirements for the routes and provides a brief summary of the RCT to date.

The Register of Clinical Technologists