Registrar’s Update July 2020

CPD Audit

The annual CPD audit process is nearning completion. The CPD Auditors have assessed the final submissions and registrants have been informed of the outcome. Three members of the RCT Management Board volunteered for audit and we are pleased to report that their submissions were successful. A CPD audit report will be forwarded to all registrants and added to the RCT website in due course.  Please continue to record your activities on the  Summary of CPD Activity or directly on mycareerpath® where you will be able to create a report of your recorded evidence should you be selected for audit next year.  Paper submissions are not accepted.  If you would like further information on how to use  mycareerpath® please see the CPD pages on the RCT website.

New Clinical Computing scope of practice – pilot volunteers required

The RCT MB are always happy to discuss proposals for new Scopes of Practice for the RCT and you can read the guidance on how to do this here. We are currently piloting a new clinical computing scope, which should be ready for launch later this year. If you are working in a relevant post within clinical computing and are interested in taking part in this pilot, please email us.  Discussions are also ongoing regarding adding further new scopes of practice and we will report further on this when we can.

Return from overseas practice policy

As mentioned in the March 2020 issue of the Registrar’s Update, we advised that  we were developing a policy to help overseas registrants on their return to the UK. We recognise that some registrants may wish to work overseas for a period and maintain their registration during this period; alternatively registrants may apply for a career break whilst away from the UK. This policy has now been finalised and can be found here, along with the notification form. Please get in touch if you have any queries about this.

Direct debit payments for renewal fees – reminder

There are still some registrants who have not yet set up a direct debit for the payment of the annual renewal fee. This is now the   only way in which registrants with a UK bank account can renew their registration. Your direct debit mandate needs to be received by our finance team by November 2020 at the latest to ensure that it is active in time for the 2021 renewal period. Please ensure that you submit your form in time to avoid your registration lapsing. We will be sending out monthly reminders until November. Please use this link to access the direct debit application form.

New Assistant Registrar

We are pleased to announce that Paul Blackett has been elected as the new Assistant Registrar and his role will commence at the end of August 2020, when our current  Assistant Registrar, Andy Mosson steps down from the role. This creates a vacancy for a new IPEM representative to sit on the RCT Management Board. This role will be advertised  shortly and  interested parties should check the IPEM and RCT website for details.

Code of Conduct

All RCT Registrants are required to adhere to the Code of Professional Conduct and are sent a copy of this document when accepted onto the Register. The code has recently been reviewed and updated and can be viewed here

Management Board meetings

Due to the current situation with the Covid-19 pandemic, the June Management Board meeting was held virtually. You can view the summary minutes on the RCT website. The October meeting will also be held virtually on 1st October 2020. We hope you are all coping with the disruption the pandemic is causing and are staying safe and well.

Iain Threlkeld

The RCT Registrar


The Register of Clinical Technologists